Product analytics for software applications, SoftMeter v1.4.1 released

Software Product Analytics with SoftMeter

We have released v1.4.1 of our product analytics library, "SoftMeter"**.

What's new or changed

  • AppEdition sent to the GA field of CampaignCode. It can be seen via GA reports as CampaignCode.
  • In Windows DLL: undecorate _setCustomDimension@8 from the DLL so it can be linked with its simple function name, setCustomDimension.
  • In Windows DLL: Removed the xxxxxx_stdcall version of the functions as the plain function names are already using the stdcall calling convension.
  • Windows: digitally signed dlls and cpp-demo-win executables.
  • In Windows DLL: In order to call the SoftMeter DLL from desktop software made by VisualNEO Win, the __cdecl version of the all-in-one sendEvent() function was added:
  • MacOS: ARM64 architecture compatibility with a universal dylib.

Backwards compatibility

The API functions of v1.4.1 are backwards compatible with v1.4, with the exception of setCustomDimension() which was anyhow a brand new function of v1.4.

You can simply replace your SoftMeter library file with the updated version of the file.

Save a copy of the new library file in your project files so you have it ready when you release the next version of your software.

More information

Read more in the changelog.

**What is "SoftMeter"?

SoftMeter is a cross-platform software product analytics tool for Windows, MacOS desktop software and IOS apps.

It is simple to integrate into your software and provides a view of how your customers use your program. Download your free copy to get started.

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