SoftMeter pre-configured reports (BETA) - Application usage analytics

SoftMeter* provides you with 5 different reporting solutions. This set of pre-configured, hosted reports is one of them.
These reports are organised around coherent dashboards, each one revealing a specific aspect of your application's usage analytics.
You need to implement SoftMeter into your software application before using these reports.

*SoftMeter is a software usage analytics library for Windows, MacOS and IOS.

App license and edition

This dashboard reveals the adoption and usage of your different app licenses and app editions. These reports require SoftMeter v0.9.0 or newer.

Installation / removal analytics

If you have installation analytics in your software using SoftMeter, this dashboard will show you the versions installed and uninstalled and a trendline of installations over time.

New vs existing users

A timeline of active installations, new and existing ones. Use this dashboard to observe if you have a healthy rate of new user acquisition and if you are able to keep your new users.

Hits (Events, PageViews, ScreenViews)

This report shows hits sent from your software. Depending on how you decided to model the usage of your software, you can send any combination of Events, PageViews, ScreenViews (and of course exceptions and crashes, but those are covered by another report)

Detect compatibility issues

These charts show the sessions per user per each platform feature. "Sessions per user" is the number of application runs per installation. A low number in a specific platform configuration might be a sign of an incompatibility with that platform configuration.

App versions and SoftMeter versions

This report shows the SoftMeter versions that are embeded in each version of your Application. Please use the latest SoftMeter version when you release new versions of your Windows, MacOS, IOS software.