What are the limits of the free Google Analytics account for website traffic and application analytics?

What is SoftMeter?

SoftMeter application analytics and statisticsQuick answer:

SoftMeter is "Google Analytics for desktop applications".

Longer answer:

Google Analytics (GA) is the most popular website statistics tool. It shows statistics about the visitors to your website. GA can also track Firebase mobile apps.

SoftMeter is a very small software library that extends the coverage of GA to include desktop applications (Windows and MacOS), and mobile apps (IOS iPhone and iPad).

By including SoftMeter in your software you will be able to see how users around the world use your application, just like you monitor visitors' traffic on your website.

This page summarizes the limits of the free Google Analytics accounts. The limits are already quite high and you will probably not be affected by them.

Account limits

  • 10 million hits per month per Account. (taken from the GA terms of service)
  • 50 Properties per Account

Property specific limits

The following limit applies to Web Property / Property / Tracking ID:

  • 25 Reporting Views per Property.
    A Reporting View is a custom configuration of the default view. Usually, you can get all your reporting via the default web traffic view, or create an extra App reporting view.
  • 200,000 sessions per day.
  • 10 million hits per month per Property. (If you are using SoftMeter, we recommend that you create one property for every software application you want to track).
    If you go over this limit, the Google Analytics team might contact you and ask you upgrade to Analytics 360 or implement client sampling to reduce the amount of data being sent to Google Analytics.

Data limits

  • Data export: 5k rows
  • Data-storage time: Guaranteed 25 months
  • Processing latency is 24-48 hours.
    Standard accounts that send more than 200,000 sessions per day to Analytics will result in the reports being refreshed only once a day. This can delay updates to reports and metrics for up to two days.

Universal Analytics

The following limits apply to gtag.js, analytics.js, Android SDK, iOS SDK, and the Measurement Protocol:

  • 200,000 hits per user per day.
    In SoftMeter, a user is the same as an installation.
  • 500 hits per session.
    In SoftMeter a session starts when your program is launched and lasts until the program is terminated.

Client library / SDK specific rate limits

There is a limit of 10 requests / 1 second per IP (source)

IOS and Android SDK clients. Each property starts with

  • 60 hits
  • which are replenished at a rate of 1 hit every 2 seconds.

SoftMeter limits

SoftMeter, our in-app analytics library, uses Google Analytics for the collection and the reporting of the usage data of your software application.

On top of the Google Analytics limits, the SoftMeter limits also apply. See the limits per SoftMeter edition.

SoftMeter has an internal limiter that will automatically cut hits that exceed the "per-session" total hits or the hit rate expected by GA.



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